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  • 1. Why did Bruce Jenner, winner of a gold medal in the 1976 Summer Olympic Games, claim that Bryan Clay, the gold medal winner in the decathlon, proved that he was the world\'s greatest athlete for his performance in the 2008 Summer Olympic Games?
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  • 2. Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt are both great athletes. Why did they concentrate on performing in certain athletic events (Phelps in swimming, Bolt in track and field races) rather than in a wider range of events?
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  • 3. Why do individuals specialize in producing a narrow range of goods and services, and then trade some of the income they earn for goods and services that other individuals produce?
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  • 4. Why do nations specialize in the production of certain goods and services and then trade some of what they produce for goods and services produced in other nations?
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