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  • 1. What was scarce for the crow?
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  • 2. Did the crow have an alternative choice to stopping for the pitcher of water?
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  • 3. What kind of natural resources did the crow use to get the water?
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  • 4. If there is water left over, what choices would the crow have to do with the extra water? Could the crow sell the water? Could the crow trade the water?
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  • 5. How could the crow reduce the water scarcity problem for others in the area?
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  • 6. If the crow was a person, what could be done to solve the water scarcity problem for others?
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  • 7. What are some characteristics of the crow that would make the crow a good employee?
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  • 8. How did trading with classmates make you better off?
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  • 9. In the trading activity, did you exchange your crayons for others? Why or why not?
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  • 10. If you focus on just producing one or a few kinds of goods and services to trade, what is this called?
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  • 11. Did you specialize in something during the trading activity? What was it?
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  • 12. What unique talents, ideas, or qualities do you have that you can use to trade with others?
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