var init = { 'questions': [ { 'question': '1) A teacher and fireman provide a:','answers': [ 'a) Good', 'b) Service', ], 'correctAnswer' : 2, 'questionID' : 834 }, { 'question': '2) When someone buys a loaf of bread from the bakery, that person is called a:','answers': [ 'a) Good', 'b) Service', 'c) Consumer', ], 'correctAnswer' : 3, 'questionID' : 835 }, { 'question': '3) Which of these four provide a good and a service?','answers': [ 'a) Pilot', 'b) Mailman', 'c) Teacher', 'd) Carpenter', ], 'correctAnswer' : 4, 'questionID' : 832 }, { 'question': '4) Which of these four provide a good?','answers': [ 'a) Baker', 'b) Waitress', 'c) Bus Driver', 'd) Nurse', ], 'correctAnswer' : 1, 'questionID' : 833 }, { 'question': '5) Which of these four provide a service?','answers': [ 'a) Rancher', 'b) Policeman', 'c) Grocery Store', 'd) Factory Worker', ], 'correctAnswer' : 2, 'questionID' : 831 }, { 'question': '6) Which of these four provides a good?','answers': [ 'a) Farmer', 'b) Fireman', 'c) Doctor', 'd) Teacher', ], 'correctAnswer' : 1, 'questionID' : 830 }, { 'question': '7) Which two people provide both a good and a service?','answers': [ 'a) Nurse and Chef', 'b) Waitress and Baker', 'c) Farmer and Construction Worker', 'd) Bus Driver and Policeman', ], 'correctAnswer' : 3, 'questionID' : 837 }, { 'question': '8) Which two people provide only a service?','answers': [ 'a) Nurse and Chef', 'b) Waitress and Baker', 'c) Farmer and Construction Worker', 'd) Bus Driver and Policeman', ], 'correctAnswer' : 4, 'questionID' : 836 }, ], 'resultComments' : { perfect: 'Excellent!', excellent: 'Great job!', good: 'Nice work.', average: 'Not too bad. You may want to review the lesson and try again.
', bad: 'You should go back and review the lesson.', poor: 'You should go back and review the lesson.', worst: 'You should go back and review the lesson.' } };