var init = { 'questions': [ { 'question': '1) The Coase Theorem states...','answers': [ 'a) The victim of pollution should always assume the costs of clean-up.', 'b) Pollution is not bad so long as the pollute owns the resource being affected.', 'c) A private property system in which rights are clearly defined and in which the costs of exchange is negligible will achieve the optimal allocation and efficient use of resources.', 'd) The courts clearly have no role in deciding who should bear responsibility for pollution clean-up.', ], 'correctAnswer' : 3, 'questionID' : 824 }, { 'question': '2) Which is not related to the economic concept, \'tragedy of the commons?\'','answers': [ 'a) Wm. Forster Lloyd', 'b) public land', 'c) fat, well-fed draft animals', 'd) over-use due to greed', ], 'correctAnswer' : 3, 'questionID' : 821 }, { 'question': '3) Externalities occur when... (select the best answer.)','answers': [ 'a) The production or consumption of one agent affects another\'s', 'b) an event occurs outdoors', 'c) People leave a crowded sports stadium', 'd) Only when public goods are involved', ], 'correctAnswer' : 1, 'questionID' : 822 }, { 'question': '4) Which of the following would not be considered a free-for-all public good, one that is non-excludable and rival?','answers': [ 'a) public beach', 'b) public tv', 'c) roads', 'd) fish in the ocean or a lake', ], 'correctAnswer' : 2, 'questionID' : 820 }, { 'question': '5) When Pigouvian taxes are used as a method to control pollution the following must be assumed. (Select the one that does not belong.)','answers': [ 'a) The government is involved.', 'b) A tax is levied for each unit of pollution a company emits.', 'c) There is an incentive for factories not to continue to pollute.', 'd) The consumer does not get charged for the cost in any way.', ], 'correctAnswer' : 4, 'questionID' : 823 }, ], 'resultComments' : { perfect: 'Excellent!', excellent: 'Great job!', good: 'Nice work.', average: 'Not too bad. You may want to review the lesson and try again.
', bad: 'You should go back and review the lesson.', poor: 'You should go back and review the lesson.', worst: 'You should go back and review the lesson.' } };