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Image Annotation Tool

The Council for Economic Education's Image Annotation Tool allows students to creatively comment on political cartoons and other images, and to share their annotated creations with their teachers or fellow students. Encourage students to create a caption, add thought and/or speech bubbles, and place concept labels and clip art stickers to reinforce the meaning of the cartoon. As an added challenge, have students use these tools to alter the meaning of the cartoon, presenting a perspective that differs from that of the cartoonist. Note that there are more pre-defined annotation elements than can be reasonably placed on one image, so students should be judicious in their selections.

For help with using the tool, please refer to our comprehensive instructions.

Bubbles Panel

Text Input


Captions Panel

Text Input


Sticker Panel

Labels Panel

Question Text

Answer Input


Add Elements

Bubbles Bubbles
Captions Captions
Stickers Stickers
Labels Labels
Teacher Comments
Opacity: 1

This is not a valid URL, please verify it and try again.

Go Back To Edit
Question Student Response
Copy message to clipboard Email

Setup of New Instance

Table of Contents

The purpose of this document is to assist the staff at Council for Economic Education to set up new instances (cartoons) in the Image Annotation tool for inclusion into their curriculum.

General Folder Structure


Below is an overview of the Folder Structure of the application, indicating the location of the Folders and Files that will be created to make new instances.

The sources folder. Where you create.


The sources folder contains the individual folders with the configuration files for the Image Annotation Tool instances and the sourceAssets folder. The sourceAssets folder, in turn contains all of the individual background image files for the cartoons, and a stickers folder. Stickers and background images can be used in multiple instances, depending on what is referenced in the instance configuration files in the sources folder.

An example structure is shown below.

Getting Started


The best place to get started is to create a manifest of the parts and pieces that you will need to construct an new instance in the Image Annotation Tool.

# What Example Description
1 Background Image budget-crunch.jpg The background image is the cartoon that the student is going to annotate. The source image need not exceed 800px in any dimension and be at a resolution of 72 dpi. JPEGs are the recommended file type, but the application will accept PNGs, GIFs and SVG files. The application will auto-fit the image to the interface. Given the orientation of the interface, landscape images may be preferred, but it is not a requirement.
2 Stickers donkey.png
The sticker are visual elements, or icons that the student can place on the background image to augment or annotate the cartoonist's intent.
These elements can be placed, rotated and scaled by the user. Since scaling is an option, it is recommended that the format of these files is SVG, however, other file formats with an Alpha channel can be used. It is recommended that the maximum dimensions for these images is 300x300px, and preferably in a square aspect ratio.

These assets are stored in the sources > sourceAssets > stickers folder. The intent is that CEE will acquire a library of "sticker" assets that can be shared across multiple instances.

There is no limitation to the number of "stickers" that can be attached to an instance, but a reasonable limit is six.
3 Questions conf.json The "Instructor Questions" are activating questions that are incorporated into the instance for the student to respond to. These questions are accessed by the student by clicking on the pin icon.
Example questions may be of the form:

  • "What is the likely cause of the budget crunch?"
  • "What are the possible costs or consequences of the budget crunch?"
  • "What point of view does the cartoonist have on the need to reduce deficit spending?"
There is no limitation to the number of "Instructor Questions" that can be attached to an instance, but a reasonable limit is four.

Locating the "pins" on the screen will be dealt with in the "conf.json" section of this document
4 Labels conf.json
"Labels" are fully customizable value lists that allow the user to attach labels of different categories to the background image. From a production standpoint, first define the categories, and then define the values that are associated with them.

An example is given below:
  • NAME: Economic Concepts
    • OPTION: Tradeoff
    • OPTION: Opportunity Cost
    • OPTION: Efficiency
  • NAME: Political Concepts
    • OPTION: Role of government
  • NAME: Values
    • OPTION: Freedom of Choice
    • OPTION: Equity
    • OPTION: Shared Responsibility
    • OPTION: Fiscal Responsibility
  • NAME: Rhetorical Devices
    • OPTION: Symbolism
There is no limitation to the number of Label categories or value options that can be attached to an instance, but a reasonable limit of categories is four.

You are now ready to create the conf.json file

"conf.json" The configuration file


The "conf.json" file is a text based file that contains all of the text based information and pointers to images that will allow the application to instantiate an instance of the Image Annotation tool. Any text based editor will work, but we recommend a free text based editor like "Text Wrangler".

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open-standard format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs. It is the most common data format used for asynchronous browser/server communication, largely replacing XML. Values can also be lists of name-value pairs. The contents of a list are enclosed by square brackets "[]"

An example of a "conf.json" file is shown below

"title": "UFR 1.5 - Balancing the Federal Budget",
"name": "budget-crunch",
"description": "Budget Crunch",
"image": "budget-crunch.jpg",
"questions": [
    "x": 0.6,
    "y": 0.3,
    "text": "What is the likely cause of the “budget crunch”?"
    "x": 0.2,
    "y": 0.7,
    "text": "What are the possible costs or consequences of the budget crunch?"
    "x": 0.2,
    "y": 0.1,
    "text": "What point of view does the cartoonist have on the need to reduce deficit spending?"
"labels": [
    "name": "Economic Concepts",
    "options": ["Tradeoff", "Opportunity Cost", "Efficiency"]
    "name": "Political Concepts",
    "options": ["Role of government"]
    "name": "Values",
    "options": ["Freedom of Choice", "Equity", "Shared Responsibility","Fiscal Responsibility"]
    "name": "Rhetorical Devices",
    "options": ["Symbolism"]
 "stickers": ["donkey.png", "elephant.png", "school.png", "hospital.png", "police.png"]

We will step through the name-value pairs in the document and indicate where in the application they are expressed,

# Name Value Description
1 title UFR 1.5 - Balancing the Federal Budget The "title", is the title of the framing curriculum module. This will be shown as the header on the student work.
2 name budget-crunch The "name", is the name of the folder which contains the "conf.json file.
It is also the name in the browser URL that is used to locate a particular instance.
3 description Budget Crunch The "description" is the text string that will show above the annotated image in the student work.
4 image budget-crunch.jpg
The "image", is the name of the cartoon file that shows up in the work area of the Image Annotation tool.
It is located in the sources > sourceAssets folder.
6 questions
      "x": 0.6,
      "y": 0.3,
      "text": "What is the
      likely cause of the
      “budget crunch”?"
Questions are a list of name-value pairs. A list or an Array is enclosed by square brackets [ ].
Each item in the list is an individual "question" and is a package of name-value pairs enclosed by curly brackets { }.
Each package has three name value pairs:
      "x": 0.6,
      "y": 0.3,
      "text": "What is the likely cause of the “budget crunch”?"
The values for "x" and "y" are for locating the Instructor Question "pin" in the work area of the Image Annotation too.
The origin point is the top left of the work area x=0, y=0.
The bottom right represents the value x=1, y=1.

The text: "What is the likely cause of the “budget crunch”?" is what shows up when the student clicks the "Question Pin".
6 labels

      "name": "Economic Concepts",
      "Opportunity Cost",

Labels are a list of name-value pairs. A list or an Array is enclosed by square brackets [ ].
Each item in the list is a a package of name-value pairs enclosed by curly brackets { }.
Each package in the list contains a "name", this is the name of the label category, and an array of "options". These are the values that associated with the "label" category.
  • Economic Concepts
    • Tradeoff
    • Opportunity Cost
    • Efficiency
is represented as:

      "name": "Economic Concepts",
      "options": ["Tradeoff", "Opportunity Cost","Efficiency"]

The "labels" are accessed by the student from the right panel of the User Interface.
This affixes a the selected label to the screen which the student can then drag to locate.

Image Annotation Tool Instructions


The Council for Economic Education's Image Annotation Tool allows students to creatively comment on political cartoons and other images, and to share their annotated creations with their teachers or fellow students. These instructions describe how to use the tool in a general manner. Specific guidance for interacting with particular cartoons may be provided in associated lesson plans, published on CEE’s EconEdLink website at

Image Annotation Elements

Each cartoon annotation exercise contains several elements that can be added to the cartoon to comment on it, or to reinforce or change its meaning. Some of the annotation elements are pre-defined, and some you can create yourself. These elements are described below.


Each cartoon may contain one or more pre-defined questions, identified by red pushpin icons. Double-click the pushpin to open a window that will display the question and allow you to type your response to it. Click the Add Answer button to record your response. The pushpins will turn green after you answer the question. You may edit your response by double-clicking the pushpin and following the same steps.


Bubbles are speech or thought bubbles that you create to comment upon the cartoon. To add a bubble, click on the Bubbles button on the right edge of the screen. This will open the Bubbles Panel. Select the type of bubble you’d like to add, either a left or right speech button, with oval shaped outlines, or a left or right thought bubble, with cloudlike outlines. Click within the Text Input area and type the text you wish to add. The number in the upper right corner of the text input area tells you how many characters remain of the maximum 140-character limit. Click the Add button to add your bubble to the cartoon. Drag the bubble to an appropriate area of the cartoon. You may resize the bubble by clicking on it, then dragging one of the sizing boxes in the corners of the sticker.


Captions are text boxes that you create to comment upon the cartoon. To add a caption, click on the Captions button on the right edge of the screen. This will open the Captions Panel. Click in the Text Input area and type the text you wish to add to the cartoon. The number in the upper right corner of the text input area tells you how many characters remain of the maximum 50-character limit. Click the Add button to add your caption to the cartoon. Drag the caption to an appropriate area of the cartoon.


Stickers are small illustrations that can be placed on the cartoon to reinforce or its meaning. To add a sticker, click the Stickers button on the right edge of the screen, click on the sticker you wish to add, then click the Add button to add the sticker to the cartoon. Drag the sticker to an appropriate location to comment on the cartoon. You may resize the sticker by clicking on it, then dragging one of the sizing boxes in the corners of the sticker. You may tilt the sticker by clicking on it, then dragging the box at the top of the vertical line ascending from the top of the sticker.


Labels are pre-defined keywords, organized into categories like Economic Concepts, Political Concepts, Values and Rhetorical Devices. To add a label to the cartoon, click the Labels button on the right edge of the screen, to open the Labels panel. Select a label category by clicking on the colored text in the top row of the Labels Panel. Select a specific label from the dropdown below, then click the Add button to add the label to the cartoon. Drag the label to an appropriate location on the cartoon that illustrates the selected concept.

Editing Questions, Bubbles and Captions

To edit the text you entered in a questions, bubble, or caption, double-click it, edit the text in the pop-up window, then click the Add button to update the cartoon with your edits.

Removing Image Annotations

To remove one of your annotation elements, double-click it, then click the Remove button in the pop-up window.

Hiding Annotation Elements

Clicking the bubble, question, caption, sticker and label icons below the cartoon will hide or display the selected annotations. This may be helpful if you wish to view the underlying cartoon without distractions. You may also use the Opacity slider to fade the annotations.

Publishing your Annotated Cartoon

When you’ve completed annotating your cartoon, click the Publish button to save your annotations. The screen that follows provides several options for sharing your creation with others:

If you wish to make further changes to your creation, click the Go Back to Edit button below the cartoon.

Questions or Comments?

For further assistance in using this tool, or to report problems encountered when using it, please complete and submit our Contact Us form, or email Your request will be automatically entered into our help desk system. An appropriate staff member will be assigned to assist you and will endeavor to respond within 24 hours of your request.